Assigned Readings

Week 1

Dupre - The Ship of Theseus

Week 2

Perry - A Dialogue on Personal Identity

Kagan - The Nature of Death

Week 3

Descartes - Meditations On First Philosophy (I and II)

Searle - The Chinese Room

Block - The China Brain

Jackson - The Qualia Problem

Nagel - What Is It Like To Be A Bat?

Week 4

Cleland - Why Life Can't Be Defined

Kripke - The Necessity of Origin

Parfit - The Non-Identity Problem

Benatar - Why It Is Better Never to Come into Existence

Week 5

Parfit - What Makes Someone's Life Go Best?

Nagel - Death

Broome - What Is Your Life Worth?

Week 6

Tolstoy - A Confession (optional reading)

Craig - The Absurdity of Life Without God

Nagel - The Absurd

Taylor - The Meaning of Life

Wolf - The Meanings of Lives

Week 7

Williams - The Makropulos Case: Reflections on the Tedium of Immortality

Fischer - Why Immortality Is Not So Bad

Week 8

Rachels - Active and Passive Euthanasia

Kagan - Suicide

Week 9

Marquis - Why Abortion is Immoral

Thomson - A Defense of Abortion

Warren - On The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion

Week 10

LaFollette - Licensing Parents

Purdy - Can Having Children Be Immoral? (file too large; available on Blackboard, or email me)

Week 12

Cohen - The Case for the Use of Animals

Norcross - Puppies, Pigs, and People

Norcross - The Significance of Death for Animals

Week 13

Discount Rates: A Boring Thing You Should Know About

Parfit - The Social Discount Rate

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